What will you receive in our pension scheme?

Retirement pension


You participate in a pension scheme via your employer and will receive retirement pension when you retire. Retirement pension and state old-age pension (AOW) jointly make up your monthly income when you stop working and retire. You will continue to receive this pension as long as you live. We cannot yet state the amount of your retirement pension. This depends on the amount of your pension capital on your retirement date and how much pension you can purchase for this amount. You can find an indication on Mijn Pensioencijfers and www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.

The pension scheme in which you are participating is called a defined contribution agreement. The contribution that is used for your pension accrual is fixed, but the amount of pension capital on your retirement date is uncertain.



More information

The regulations set out precisely what you will receive in our pension scheme. The regulations can be downloaded here (in Dutch).